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About the episode
This week’s episode is about banning unhealthy and making healthy foods more accessible to everyone for a generally healthier society. I am pleased to interview Dr. Paul Coleman, a Public Health Registrar and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. His current work aims at reducing obesity and other health issues resulting from poor diets.
Paul is a founding member of the Warwick Obesity Network, an interdisciplinary team of academics and clinicians at the University of Warwick focused on obesity interventions. The network aims to mobilise current academic knowledge to inform policies to address the global obesity epidemic. The team brings together expertise in medicine, public health, economics, psychology, behavioural science as well as dietetics and nutrition.

Paul works in close cooperation with Dr Hanson, whom I had the pleasure to interview on her research on mindfulness eating and weight loss in episode 1 of season 5 (7 Principles to Mindful Eating). Together with Dr. Hanson, Paul recently published a review on academic research, which looked into the connections between obesity and advertising of fast food products that are high in fat, sugar and salt. The review was conducted to respond to the UK Government Consultation process about possibly restricting advertising of unhealthy foods. The findings of the review led the network to recommend a total ban of such product advertisements on television.
With their important work, Paul and his colleagues challenge the UK government and big cooperations. Big food companies are challenged for advertising unhealthy foods specifically to our children. We know that a good understanding of a healthy diet is essential in the upbringing of our kids. Yet, it becomes more difficult to achieve this when big cooperations target our kids with unhealthy food advertisements.
“In publich health,
we try to make our food choice a fair choice again. ”
– Dr. Paul Coleman –

Paul’s work is a big step towards health education for all ages and something we will discuss in detail. We will also address the role of COVID with regard to overall health and obesity as well as the connections of our daily food to environmental degradation and climate change.
I believe this topic is relevant fo every single one of us. And although we will, of course, be talking a lot about obesity and the link between type 2 diabetes and poor diets, the general topic will be healthy diets and the measures that can promote them on a political level.
Reach out to Paul:
Dr. Paul Coleman

And you?!
Wanna improve your well-being by running flatter blood glucose lines,
reducing your HbA1c, having less hypos and more time in target range?
If yes, then we need to talk !
Drop me a message 👇🏽
As a nutritionist and T1D myself,
I am excited to share how I easily overperform diabetic guidelines
and how we can tackle your individual challenges together!
You are a gift to this world, now go out and shine!
Yours Julia
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