The Happy Type One

Season 4

Blog + Podcast = Blogcast

New Episodes Every Wednesday

Join the journey!

Join us on this unique journey around the globe!

Go with us in Season 4 to Burma, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Uganda, Greece, UK, Germany and US by travelling your mind from the comfort of your home, in times when real life travel is challenging for all of us!

This is your weekly podcast, featuring health-care professionals,
researchers in the field of diabetes and mental health,
personal biohacking tricks and experiences
from other type 1s from the HappyTribe community.

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Heart Chakra Meditation 💚 (#39)

Heart Chakra Meditation 💚 (#39)

Listen on:Where is the heart chakra?We all have 7 chakras considered as subtle engery bodies located within the spinal cord, housed in the core of Brahma nadi. The lowest chakra is the root chakra, called Mulandhara", it sits around the genitals. A bit further up,...

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Two diabetics talking about sex (#38)

Two diabetics talking about sex (#38)

Listen on:Let's talk about sexIn this episode we shine a light on men and women’s intimacy relationships with diabetes. My guest Kraig and I explore, which psychological and physical challenges can occur and which treatments are available to us. This includes topics...

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Running diabetes on autopilot (#36)

Running diabetes on autopilot (#36)

Listen on:“Understanding how to experiment, is probably more important than understanding everything on day one. ” - Sid Sharma -Minimising daily decision makingHow can you possibly spend less time managing your diabetes and minimising decision making on a daily...

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Ketosis vs. ketoacedosis (#32)

Ketosis vs. ketoacedosis (#32)

Listen on:Know the differenceKeto, ketons, ketosis, ketoacidosis, ketogenic diet. Why are "keto" words popping up everywhere and what do they mean? In this weeks episode I explain in debth all those key words, while I would like to focuse in this article on how...

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