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What is this episode about?
Edith Mukantwari is from Uganda and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2005. She is now a nutritionist and a diabetes educator, working alongside the African Diabetes Alliance.
In this show we discuss her diagnosis as a teenager with type 1 and how her school nurses didn’t believe she was poorly, but instead thought she was pretending to be sick so she could skip school for weeks on-end.
We also talk about the guilt she carried needing money to self fund her diabetes supplies, while her siblings needed financial support for theire everyday things .
She is truly an empowering lady, teaching diabetics on how to take theire own decisions regarding theire health and lifestyle choices.
We also get to talk about the gorgeous Ugandian cuisine. 🙂

“What we need to think as people now is,
how does my food effect
my biochemistry,
my health,
my feelings!“
– Edith Mukantwari –

“I think, food is a big contributor
to our mental health
but rarely we give it
any attention!”
– Edith Mukantwari –
Reach out to Edith via her instagram:
and the Africa Diabetes Alliance:
Thanks also to Ediths massive supporters
@sarahbiyinzika @rodney_sewa
And you?!
You are not alone in this. I have been there.
Back then, I wished to have someone to talk to, make things easier and enjoyable.
Back then, I wished for the support I provide today.
If you are struggling or want to take your health to the next level,
then let’s do it together!
Drop me a message!
Your input and ideas help massively to keep my work alive and the love spreading!
You are a gift to this world, now go out and shine!
Yours Julia
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