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Who is Fernanda Claudino?
Fernanda Claudino is a Brazilian lawyer and T1D, living in Curitiba, close to Sao Paulo, Brazil. She has two kids, age 8 and 12. She has only just started low-carb few months ago and is loving it. Yet she believes, that being stuck at home due to the pandemic, it is actually the perfect time to try low-carb. Not just because, many of us are at home and can prepare our own meals but also because we can support our immune system to be less vulnerable for infections such as COVID by having good blood glucose control.
We spoke about:
– the health care system in Brazil
– her recent venture with the low-carb diet
– how she is managing low-carb with her two kids in quarantine
– and the benefits she has experienced by following the low-carb diet
e. g. better blood glucose control, reduction of basal rate by 5 to 6 unites
This article is for you
so I very much hope, you find some useful information
and I look forward hearing your from you and your experiences on instagram.

Protein Bread Recipe

3 eggs
3 tbsps of grated cheese
150 g of shredded chicken
2 tbsp yeast
1/2 lemon juice
1. Preheated oven 200 C/400 F
2. Mix all ingredients in a blender till you have a smooth dough
3. Put the dough in a baking pan from breads
4. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes
It lasts about 3 – 4 days in the fridge.
Fernandas tip:
Toast a slice and eat with guacamole – delicious!
Get in touch
If you like to speak with Fernanda, simply drop her a message on instagram:
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Your input and ideas help massively to keep my work alive and the love spreading!
You are a gift to this world, now go out and shine!
Yours Julia
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Fernanda ❤️