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Who is Alyssa?
Alyssa Soukup is Type 1 yoga instructor from Minnesota USA, where she lives with her partner and 2 cats. She follows the low carb, plant based, gluten, dairy, and grain free diet 🌱 And although some people think there is not much she then does eat, her instagram page clearly shows otherwise. “I don’t think low carb is restrictive!”, she told me. And even if there would be a cure for T1D, she would continue eating this way as she feels physically and mentally more healthy. She is also thriving to waste less and use less plastic.
We also spoke about:
✨ trendy yoga practice in the west
✨ spirituality and yoga
✨ breathing techniques to reduce anxiety
✨ benefits of yoga on health and T1D

11 Health Benefits of Yoga
Builds muscle
Muscle mass can increases insulin sensitivity
Increases blood flow
Yoga postures help blood circulation by getting more oxygen to the cells, which then function better. Levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells are also increased, which carry oxygen to the tissues and can contribute to more insulin sensitivity.
Lowers blood sugar
By lowering stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline levels
Boosts immune system
Research on meditation, as part of yoga practise, has found better immune response and lower response in autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, can yoga postures increase the drainage of lymph (a viscous fluid rich in immune cells), which are in charge of the disposal of toxic waste products of cells, fight against infections and the destruction of cancerous cells.
Helps you focus
The Harvard Medical School reported on studies, which have found to improve focus and school performance in kids.
Regulates adrenal glands
Cortisol can boost the immune system shortly, but chronically high levels of cortisol has been linked with insulin resistance, depression, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
“Food-seeking behavior“, which is emotional eating and makes one eat when being upset, angry or stressed, occur from high levels of cortisol and can promote weight gain, the risk of type 2 diabetes (or double diabetes) and heart attack.
Reduces blood pressure
Certain yoga postures like Savasana (corpse pose) have been found to reduce blood pressure.
Deeper sleep
Yoga includes many relaxation techniques like meditation or pratyahara, a turning inward of the senses, which calm down the nervous system. Other forms are restorative asana, yoga nidra (a form of guided relaxation), savasana and pranayama, which can promote deeper sleep and better recovery.
Makes happier
Research at the University of Wisconsin in the USA looked at meditation, a part of yoga practice, and correlated heightened activity of the left prefrontal cortex with increased levels of happiness and better functionality of the immune system.
Calms down
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for fight-or-flight response and is very active in times of stress. Yoga can help shift to a calmer state, in which the parasympathetic nervous system is more active.
Benefits your relationships
Yoga philosophy focuses on the present moment of the self and others. It fosters self care and can lead onto a path of a healthier lifestyle and more self esteem.
Your yoga class with Alyssa
You can follow Alyssa on her instagram:
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