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I mentioned in the podcast episode that there will be a free download, but I get many request for the download about “What is keto?”, so I decided to keep this available and to publish the key take aways from this episode easy to access here on the blogcast 🙂
How can a chronic illness
effect ones quality of life?
Well, it is a challenging question and I’m sure we all experience T1D a bit different. Yet, there are probably also some things which effect people with chronic illnesses in similar ways. Laura is a former health management student from Germany, type 1 diabetic and the best to address this question to. She wrote her final Bachelor thesis about the impaired quality of life in type 1 diabetes patients (German title is: ”Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität durch eine chronische Krankheit – eine qualitative Studie von Diabetes Type 1 Patienten”).
She interviewed many type 1s between 18 and 25 years to find out how T1D effects quality of life and the psyche.
Here are her main findings:

Translation: Even if everyone doubts you and your dreams,
at the end there should be always one person, who believes in you.
This person is YOU!
Believe in yourself.
6 Key findings
by Laura’s study
Reasons for changes in quality of life are due to:
– measuring blood sugar
– injecting insulin
– hyper- as well as hypoglycemia
– the effect of daily management in free time activities, sport and work
Compared to men, women have more psychologically challenges
e.g. in form of acceptance, body image,
and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Symptoms of depression were present in some interviewees
Dealing publicly with insulin injections put some in great discomfort
Some participants stated, there is no good medical care
and optimisation is very much needed
The study made clear:
There is still a great need to deal openly with this disease
and to educate also non-diabetics about all types of diabetes
Follow Laura
Lauras work contributes greatly to type 1 awareness to optimise medical care we receive.
so go and check her out on instagram https://www.instagram.com/kimdiabefit/
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Your input and ideas help massively to keep my work alive and the love spreading!
You are a gift to this world, now go out and shine!
Yours Julia
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